How we can help you as a family

Our range of services:

Individual benefits are based on the needs identified. In principle, it includes

  • Parental assistance
  • Socio-educational family support
  • Intensive one-to-one socio-educational support
  • Accompanied contact
  • Help for young adults
  • Support in emergency situations
  • Aftercare

Who is entitled to support services?

In Germany, socio-educational family support is one of the forms of educational assistance. “If an upbringing that is in the best interests of the child or young person is not guaranteed” (§27 SGB VIII), legal guardians are entitled to “educational assistance” from youth welfare services.

Who can I apply to for support?

SPFH is a standard youth welfare programme. It includes the entire family and is specifically designed for family situations in which parenting is not guaranteed or the welfare of the child/children is jeopardised. It is seen as social space-orientated help.

Assistance is not provided automatically, but usually at the request of the parents. An application is submitted to the relevant youth welfare office or youth welfare organisation as required.

Who bears the costs?

Your family’s support needs will determine which of the above-mentioned services need to be utilised and whether a trained socio-pedagogical specialist or a trained socio-pedagogical educational assistant is required. The amount of time required will be checked and must be approved by the youth welfare office. After approval, the youth welfare office will cover the costs.

What support do we provide

We support

  • in a domestic environment
  • if it is necessary to protect children from violence and sexual abuse
  • when family members are exposed to various forms of stress – such as various forms of violence or psychological traumatisation
  • when applying for the first time in consultation with the youth welfare office of the district of Pinneberg or Hamburg
  • for applications for continuation of the measure
  • in communicating with the youth welfare office of the district of Pinneberg and the relevant clerks
  • Advice on fundamental questions on the topic
  • Well-founded answers to many questions about everyday life